Friday, June 10, 2011

Tundra and Worthington Glacier

June 9, 2011

Weather- Windy , cold, and cloudy at a temperature of about 45.


witches hair lichen- Alectoria ochroleuca
Blackish oxetrope- Oxytropis nigrescens
Narcissist Flower Annenome -Anemone narcissiflora
Cetraria nivalis
Starflower- Trientalis borealis
alp lilly Lloydia serotina
low-bush cranberry -Vaccinium vitis-idaea
star-tipped reindeer lichen -cladina stellaris
moss heather- Cassiope mertensiana
Alpine bearberry- Arctostaphylos alpina
Crowberry -Empetrum
Alpine willow -Salix petrophila
Dwarf willow -Salix herbacea
Glacous gentian- Pale Gentian
Lapland diapensia- Diapensia lapponica
Labrador tea -Ledum groenlandicum
Frogs pelt- Peltigera neopolydactyla
Star campylium moss -Campylium stellatum
Mountain buttercup -Ranunculus populago
Small flower paintbrush- Castillja coccinea
Alpine azalea- Loiseleuria procumbens

Worthington Glacier

Dwarf fireweed- Chamerion latifolium
Sitka alder- Alnus viridis
Scowlers willow -Salix scouleriana
Variable willow -Salix viminalis
Dwarf fireweed- Chamerion latifolium

The hikes were great, I thought that the tundra hike was going to be just a couple of the same species over and over, but there was more than I thought. It looks barren till you look at it. the Glacier was home to the nitrogen fixers, the ones that break down the rocks to make soil for others to live in. It was an odd site, I was at the glacier last summer and now it looks to have receded a lot more than I thought it would have.

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