Monday, June 6, 2011

McCarthy Road

Wednesday, 6/1/11


Warm and sunny with a little clouds

Bog Rosemary- Andromeda polifolia

Wooly Vetch- Vicia villosa

Bog Bean- Menyanthes trifoliata

Yellow Dryas- Dryas drummondii
Kinnikinnick- Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

Lupin- Lupinus perennis

Holbells Rockcress- Arabis holboellii

Boreal Whiteface- Leucorrhinia borealis

Wood Frog- Rana sylvatica

Crimson Winged Whiteface- Leucorrhinia glacialis

The drive out was great, aside from the two flat tires that we had simultaneously, the sun was shining and some dragonflies were flying across the little bog that we stopped by. The water was just teeming with life. Carl caught a wood frog and a little ways down the road a dragonfly hit the windshield and survived for a little while, becoming our travel companion.

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