Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Valdez Glacier Summary 11/6/14
Weather: in the 30's little sun but mostly cloudy, windy of 10 miles per hour

Berwyn, Bob. "Travel: Exploring Valdez." Summit County Citizens Voice. N.p., 26 Nov. 2012. Web. 21 Nov. 2014. <http://summitcountyvoice.com/2012/11/26/travel-exploring-valdez/>.

White Clover (Trifolium repens)

 Pineapple Weed (Matricaria discoidea)

  Barclays Willow (Salix barclayi)

Arctic Willow (Salix arctica)

  Dwarf Fireweed (Chamerion latifolium)

 Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

  Devils Club (Oplopanax horridus)

Cow Parsnip, Heracleum lanatum

Having been to both Valdez and Worthington Glaciers allows us to compare these ice masses and see how they impacted their surrounding environments. At Worthington Glacier we saw that it was hanging glacier that was sitting high up in between two mountainsides. Valdez differs in the fact that it is not a hanging glacier but a Valley Glacier. However, the Valdez Glacier at one point in its history was a Tidewater glacier meaning that it reached out all the way to Prince William Sound. Although these are two different types of glaciers, they both clearly showed signs of glacial karst left behind along with lakes. -Nate Litka

The glacier in Valdez is different than the Worthington glacier in may ways. Worthington is more of a mountain glacier. It is on a higher lever of ground whereas Valdez is on mostly one level. You don't have to hike or climb anything to reach Valdez glacier. Also, there was a lot more glacial till at Worthington compared to Valdez. There were more rocks with layers showing it being pulled down by ice or snow at Worthington. Valdez was more flat, and had water showing pieces of ice in it. -Tayler Hehir

                                                     Homestead Summary 10/30/14
                         Weather: around 35 degrees, clear blue sky, thicket, sunny, snow on the ground


       Goats Beard (Aruncus diolicus)
      Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
   Large Leaf Avens (Geum macrophyllum)
         Sitka Spruce (Picea sitchensis)
         Rockweed (Fucus distichus)
Cow Parsnip (Heracleum maximum)
     Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium)
    Lady Fern (athyrium filix-femina)
     Sitka Mountain Ash (Sorbus sitchensis)
 Sitka Alder (Alnus viridis)
Willow (Salix spp)

 red squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
acorn barnacle Balanus glandula
northern sea nettle jellyfish Chrysaora melanaster
pacific blue mussel Mytilus edulis
sitka periwinkle Littorina sitkana
northern sea lion Eumetopias jubatus
lion's mane jellyfish Cyanea capllata
bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus

Homestead Trail is where we saw the most eagles and had the most animals we have seen in all of the trails. 

                 Thompson Pass Summary 1/1/1111
 Weather: felt like in the 40's, Sunny, clear sky, wind around 10-20 miles per hour 

Siberian Aster(Aster sibiricus)
Alaskan Cotton (Eriophorum)
Peat Moss (Sphagnum)
Liverwort (Marchantiophyta)
Blueberry (vaccinium)
 Willow (Salix) Acrtic Willow (Salix artica)
White spruce (Picea glauca)
 Moss Heather (Cassiope stelleriana)
 Artic Kidney Lichen (Nephroma articum)
Turgid Aulacomnium (Turgidum)
 Northern Rock Tripe (Umbilibaria)
 King Bolete Mushroom (Boletus edulis)
Yellow Mountain Heather (Phyllodoce glanduliflora)
Reindeer Lichen (Cladonia rangiferina)
Alpine Spiraea, Luetkea Pectinata
Sitka Burnet, Sanguisorba stipulata
Red Stemmed Saxifrage, Saxifraga lyallii

Didn't see see any animals this time. 

it went from low ground to high ground which was one of the reasons plants adapt differently in this tundra. 

DOCK POINT 10/09/2014

WEATHER temps in high 30s, winds at 14 mph, overcast, unusually high tide

·               Sitka Alder (Alnus crispa)
·               Salmon Berry (Rubus spectabilis)
·               Sitka Spruce (Picea sitchensis)
·               Northern Red Currant (Ribes triste)
·               Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium)
·               Red Berried Elder (Sambucus racemosa)
·               Lady Fern (Arthyrium filix-femina)
·               Large Leaf Avens (Geum macropyllum)
·               Devil's Club (Oplopanax horridus)
·               Goat's Beard (Aruncus sylvester)
·               Wild Celery (Angelica lucida)
·               Black Cottonwood (Populus balsamifera)
·               Cow parsnip (Heracleum lanatum)
·               Yarrow (Achillea borealis)
·               Oval-Leaved Blueberry (Vaccinium ovalifolium)
·               Alaskan Blueberry (Vaccinium alaskanum)
·               Skunk cabbage (Lysichiton americanum)
·               Groundcone (Boschniaka rossica)
·               Willow Salix spp.
·               Common Horsetail (Equisetum arvense)
·               Dwarf Dogwood (Cornus canadensis)
·               Arctic Dock (Rumex articus)
·               Mountain Ash (Sorbus sitchensis)

·               Crow (Corvus caurinus)
·               Cackling goose (Branta hutchinsii)
·               evidence of red or douglas squirrel

slime mold


WEATHER temps in low 40s, winds 9 mph, mostly cloudy

·               Sitka Alder (Alnus crispa)
·               Salmon Berry (Rubus spectabilis)
·               Northern Red Currant (Ribes triste)
·               Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium)
·               Red Berried Elder (Sambucus racemosa)
·               Lady Fern (Arthyrium filix-femina)
·               Large Leaf avens (Geum macropyllum)
·               Devil's Club (Oplopanax horridus)
·               Goat's Beard (Aruncus sylvester)
·               Wild Celery (Angelica lucida)
·               Black Cottonwood (Populus balsamifera)
·               Cow Parsnip (Heracleum lanatum)
·               Blueberries (Vaccinium ovalifolium)
·               Groundcone (Boschniaka rossica)
·               Common Horsetail (Equisetum arvense)
·               Dwarf Dogwood (Cornus canadensis)
·               Arctic Dock (Rumex articus)
·               High Brush Cranberry (Viburnum edule)
·               Low Brush Cranberry (Vaccinium vitis adaea)
·               Barclay's Willow (Salix barclayi)
·               Sitka Burnet (Sanguisorba stipulate)
·               Several-flowered Sedge (Carex pluriflora)
·               Labrador Tea (Ledum palustris)
·               Wild Iris (Iris setosa)
·               Bog Blueberry (Vaccinium ulignosum)
·               Chocolate Lily (Fritillaria camschatensis)
·               Wild Celery (Angelica lucida)
·               Moss Campion (Silene acaulis)
·               Feather Moss (Kindbergia oregana)
·               Sphagnum angustifolium
·               Sphagnum warnstorfi
·               Polytrichum strictum

·               Magpie
·               Bear scat

SHOUP BAY TRAIL 10/23/2014

WEATHER  temps in low 50s, little/no wind, clear blue skies

·               Black Cottonwood (Populus balsamifera)
·               Devil's Club (Oplopanax horridus)
·               Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium)
·               Large Leaf Avens (Geum macropyllum)
·               Sitka Alder (Alnus crispa)
·               Salmon Berry (Rubus spectabilis)
·               Cow Parsnip (Heracleum lanatum)
·               Spiny Wood Fern (Dryopteris expansa)
·               Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-femina)
·               Yellow Moss (Homalothecium fulgescens)
·               Pixie Cup Lichen (Cladonia asahinae)
·               High Bush Cranberry (Viburnum trilobum)
·               Barclays Willow (Salix barclayi)
·               Red Elderberry (Sambucus racemosa)
·               Common Horsetail (Equisetum arvense)
·               Dwarf Fireweed (Epilobium latifolium)
·               Chocolate Lilly (Fritillaria camschatcensis)
·               Yarrow (Archillea millefolium)
·               Spread-Leaved Peat Moss (Sphagnum squarrosum)
·               Fireweed
·               Arctic Dock
·               Cow Parsnip
·               Rockweed (Fucus distichus)
·               Sea Lettuce (Ulva lactuca)
·               Dune Grass (Leymus mollis)
·               Sea Staghorn (Codium fragile)
·               False Hellebore (Veratrum viride)

·               Moon Jelly (Aurelia labiata)
·               Sea Lion (Eumetopia jubatus)
·               Darkeyed Junco (Junco hyemalis)
·               Pacific Blue Mussel (Mytilus edulis)