Thursday, June 9, 2011

Both Swans alive at 6 mile!

I'm happy to report that when I went home tonight there were two swans on the pond. One, probably the female, was busily preening & pulling feathers out.  I'm guessing it was the female because most birds molt once eggs have hatched! I was able to get quite a few pics as she was near the road. It was interesting that there were a lot of violet green swallows chasing bugs, When they few too close to her head she'd snap at them! There were also lots of little fish jumping..I didn't see any frogs, though


  1. I thought I saw the other swan in the bushes when we had stopped but ted thought i was seeing things! Good to hear.

  2. Wish you had spoken up:) Don"t be so shy at expressing yourself-you have lots to offer!

  3. So do you know why there was feathers everywhere?


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