Friday, June 10, 2011

Thompson Pass

Thompson Pass

Chilly, windy and overcast.

Variable Willow---Salix commutata
Green Map Lichen---Rhizocarpon geographicum
Narcissus Anemone---Anemone narcissiflora
Blackish Oxytrope---Oxytropis Nigrescens
Alp Lily---Lloydia serotina
Lowbush-cranberries---Potentilla fruticosa
Alpine Izalia---Loiseleuria procumbens (L.) Desv.
Moss Campion---Silene acaulis
Labrador Tea---Ledum groenlandicum
Dwarf Willow---Salix herbacea
Bell Heather---Erica cinerea
Red Capped Lichen---Cladonia cristatella
Arctic Willow---Salix arctica
Villous Cinquefoil---Potentilla villosa
False Pixie Cup---Cladonia chlorophaea
Bumble Bee---Bombus

Worthington Glacier

Fireweed---Eqilobium angustifolium
Sitka Alder---Alnus sinuata
Variable Willow---Salix commutata
Black Cottonwood---Populus trichocarpa
Mew Gulls---Larus canus

Thompson Pass was cool but the wind was a major down side it was cold and unwelcome. I was surprised to find out how jagged and rough the rocks were it was interesting because i never would have imagined them that way and the small pools of water that were up there were much warmer than i had expected them to be which was very cool.
Worthington Glacier was also an experience i hadn't been there since i was about 8 years old and i can remember where the ice used to be and its way farther back then i had seen it. I was surprised to see all those sea gulls nesting around there too i didn't know they did that. I liked getting up close to the glacier though it was small it was still a giant to me at least.

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