Sunday, June 5, 2011


Wednesday, 6/1/11
Warm and sunny with some clouds and lots of mosquitos.

Bog Bean- Menyanthes trifoliata
Bog Rosemary- Andromeda polifolia
Lupin- Lupinus perennis
Yellow Dryas- Dryas drummondii
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Wooly Vetch- Vicia villosa
Holbells Rockcress- Arabis holboellii

Boreal Whiteface- Leucorrhinia borealis
Crimson Winged Whiteface- Leucorrhinia glacialis
Wood Frog- Rana sylvatica

I didn't know what to expect of McCarthy, but it was a really cool little town. I miss seeing dragonflies in Valdez so it was exciting to see so many along the way. My favorite part of the drive was catching the frog and getting to hold it. We had two flat tires along the way which was stressful but ended up working out.

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