June 22nd, 3-6pm.
My family and I took a trip to Worthington Glacier this past weekend. It was rainy or drizzly most of the trip, but we stopped a few times while on Thompson Pass, and I identified some flowers we saw. It was cold, in the low 40s, and breezy.
We saw Nootka Lupine all along the roadway.
I also found a Yellow Paintbrush, which is noteworthy because the plant is furry.
We saw a marmot roadkill in the pass, too, as well as gulls closer to the glacier. One of the gulls dive bombed me, and if I had not ducked, I would have been hit. I presume we were close to a nest.
While at the glacier, I identified arctic willow, alder, other willows, and horsetails. There were fewer plants, but the terraine was much like that which we encountered on our Valdez Glacier trip.
My son, Henry, enjoyed looking at the low willow plants along the pathway at the glacier. He would pick the reddish willow catkins, and giggled when I tickled him with a horsetail. It was definitely a positive experience.