Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mineral Creek

Mineral Creek

Chilly with wind chill, overcast and minimal rainfall.

Forget Me Not---Myosotis laxa
Dandelion---Taraxacum officinale
Trailing Black Currant---Ribes laxiflorum
Red Berry Eilder---Sambucus racemosa L.
Devils Club---Oplopanax horridus
Cow Parsnip---Heracleum lanatum
Fireweed---Epilobium angustifolium
Salmon Berry---Rubus spectabilis
Marsh Violet---Viola palustris
High Bush Cranberry---Viburnam edule
Chocolate Lily---Fritillaria camschatcensis
Caltha-leaved Avens---Geum calthifolium
Northern Starflower---Trientalis arctica
Bog Roseberry---Andromeda polifolia
Marsh Cinquefoil---Potentilla palustris
Kelloggs Sedge---Carex Kelloggii
Dwarf Nagoonberry---Rubus arcticus
Shepherds Purse---Capsella bursa-pastoris
Common Horsetail---Equisetum arvense
Iris---Iris germanica
Narcissus Anemone---Anemone narcissiflora
Bog Blueberry---Vaccinium uliginosum
False Lily of the Valley---Maianthemum dilatatum
Sitka Alder---Alnus viridis
Sitka Willow---Salix sitchensis
Sitka Valarian---Valeriana sitchensis

Today seem a lot like a recap over most of what we have seen before. The weather and bugs made it much less desirable to search for plants today too. It was very green everywhere you look today though, defiantly the sight of how mush we are still part of the rainforest.

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