Monday, June 6, 2011

Root Glacier Trail

Thursday 6/2/11

Sunny almost all day, but cloud cover in the latter half of the day.
Kamchatka Rockcress- Arabis kamchatica
Green Map Lichen- Rhizocarpon geographicum
Mountain Avens- Abies lasiocarpa
Early Blueberry- Vaccinium augustifolium
Subalpine Fir- Abies lasiocarpa
Twinflower- Linnaea borealis
False Pixie Cup- Cladonia chlorophaea
Wooly Coral- Stereocaulon tomentosum
Yellow Anemone- Anemone ranunculoides
Large Flowered Wintergreen- Pyrola grandiflora
Narcissus Flowered Anemone- Anemone narcissiflora
Elegant Orange Lichen- Xanthoria elegans
Barclay Willow- salix barclayi
Monkshood- Aconitum sp.
White Spruce- Picea glauca
White Heather- Cassiope mertensiana
Balsam Poplar- Populus balsamifera
Paper Birch- Betula papyrifera
Juniper- Juniperus communis
Lemon Lichen- Candelaria concolor
Soap Berries- Shepherdia canadensis
Prickly Saxifrage- Saxifraga tricuspidata 
Dwarf Fireweed- Chamerion latifolium
Mountain Ash- Sorbus americana
Beautiful Jacob's Ladder- Polemonium elegans
Beaked Willow- Salix bebbiana
Alpine Bearberry- Arctostaphylos alpina
Green Comma- Polygonia faunus
Mourning Cloak- Nymphalis antiopa

The trail was superb, the sun was really intense for all of the trip out the trail, and as we were coming back the clouds rolled in.

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