Sunday, June 5, 2011

West Kennicott Trail

Time: 12:00-12:40
Date: Friday 3 June, 2011
Place: West Kennicott Trail, by the Ranger Station
Weather: Very still air with a heavy sun. Lots of mosquitos.

Tall Jacob's Ladder- Polemonium acutiflorum
Labrador Tea- Rhododendron groenlandicum
Dwarf Dogwood- Cornus pumila
Twin Flower- Linnaea borealis
Freckled Pelt- Linnaea borealis
Wild Rose- Rosa virginiana
Crow Berry- Empetrum
Stiff Clubmoss- Lycopodium annotinum
Blue Elf Cup- Chlorociboria aeruginascens
Northern Black Currant- Ribes hudsonianum
Lowbush Cranberry- Vaccinium vitis-idaea
Wild Red Currant- Ribes triste
Common Harebell- Campanula rotundifolia
Northern Bastard Toadflax- Geocaulon lividum

This trail was just a little ways away from where we were lodged, so it shared many of the plant and animal life as the rest of the trip, but this section of the forest was older. There was very little shrub life, the trees were older, and all of the ground was covered in moss. It was warm so I wore shorts, but soon found this to be a huge mistake as we were immediately assaulted by mosquitos, and were not left alone until well after we drove away. I make note of this fact because I can really understand now how Caribou can go insane because of the mosquitos. Nothing I did would get them to leave, and I was only there for forty minutes, if I lived with that all of my life I would, without a doubt, go insane.

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