Sunday, June 5, 2011

McCarthy Area

Time: 2:00-6:00
Date: Wednesday 1 June, 2011
Place: Road to and McCarthy
Weather: Slight breeze on a partly cloudy day. Lots of sun otherwise.

Bog Rosemary- Andromeda polifolia
Bog Bean- Menyanthes trifoliata
Lupin- Lupinus perennis
Yellow Dryas- Dryas drummondii
Kinnikinnick- Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Bear Berry- Arctostaphylos alpina
Bear Root- Arctostaphylos alpina

Boreal White Face- Leucorrhinia borealis
Wood Frog- Rana sylvatica
Crimson Ringed Whiteface- Leucorrhinia glacialis

A surprisingly short car ride. In the first area around the water we found a very healthy habitat. It was filled with plants and wildlife that were great to observe. It was also very interesting to see how the road system was impacting the lifestyle of the wildlife. There was a part of the road that was leaking off into the swamp area, drying it out. Then upon our arrival we observed lots of wild plants, and also a few "domesticated" plants by the main building. McCarthy was awesome.

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