Monday, June 6, 2011

West Kennecott Glacier Trail

Friday 6/3/11

12:00 PM

68 F

Sunny with a little wind.

Narcissus Flowered Anemone- Anemone narcissiflora

Northern Bastard Badflax- Geocaulon lividum

Twinflower- Linnaea borealis

Tall Lungwort- Geocaulon lividum

Frog Pelt- Peltigera neopolydactyla

Dwarf Dogwood- Cornus pumila

Stiff clubmoss- Lycopodium annotinum

Freckled Pelt- Peltigera aphthosa

Wild Rose- Rosa virginiana

Northern Black Currant- Ribes hudsonianum

Green Alder-Alnus viridis

Lowbush Cranberry- Vaccinium vitis-idaea

Blue Elf Cup- Chlorociboria aeruginascens

Labrador Tea- Rhododendron groenlandicum

Tall Jacob's Ladder- Polemonium acutiflorum

Norther Red Currant- Ribes triste

Crowberry- Empetrum sp.

Paper Birch- Betula papyrifera

Yellow Anenome- Anemone ranuculoides

Fairy Slipper- Anguloa clowesii

The hike was beautiful and sunny, I would have enjoyed it more if not for the torrents of mosquitoes that plagued us. The area was a great contrast from the trail that we walked before, it was almost a solid moss bed that had all sorts of life springing up around it.

The sun was bright and when it shone through the canopy it gave things a slight surreal look. The fairy slipper was a surprise, I have never seen anything like it up close and personal.

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