Sunday, June 5, 2011

West Kennecott Glacier Trail

Ranger Station Outside McCarthey
West Kennecott Glacier Trail

Dwarf Dogwood---Cornus pumila
Twin Flower---Linnaea borealis
Freckled Pelt---Peltigera aphthosa
Crow Berries---Empetrum
Wild Rose---Rosa virginiana
Stiff Club Moss---Lycopodium annotinum
Blue Elf Cup---Chlorociboria aeruginascens
Low Bush Cranberry---Vaccinium vitis-idaea
Tall Bluebells---Mertensia arizonica Greene
Yellow Anemone---Anemone ranunculoides
Paper Birch---Betula papyrifera
Calypso Orchid---Calypso bulbosa
Tall Jacobs Ladder---Polemonium acutiflorum
Labrador Tea--- Rhododendron tomentosum
Narcissus Anemone---Anemone narcissiflora L.
Northern Bastard Toadflax---Geocaulon lividum

The trail was cool because it was semi-hidden in the trees and was narrow and winding though the trees and beating down the moss. It was very pretty in there and finding the Blue Elf Cup on some of the branches was really cool because i hadn't seen anything blue like that other than flowers. The downside to it would have to had been the horrendous amount of mosquitos swarming us after a while i was just done and wanted to leave.

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