Friday, June 10, 2011

High bush cranberry

The shrub High bush Cranberry, scientific name Viburnum trilobum, is not really a cranberry at all it just looks and tastes like one. These red berries hang clusters from bunches of white flowers which stem from twigs with dark green maple look alike leaves then from rough tough grayish stems that can get to be about 4 meters tall. Birds and many creatures munch on these berries, people can eat high bush cranberries right off the plant or make jelly, sauce for meat, even ketchup. It has been used as a home remedies to cure swallows glans and pains like cramps. The berries ripen around September but not till the plant is at least 5 years old. The high bush cranberry is a pretty tough plant that can handle rough weather, it likes well-draining wet soil in forest and along rivers throughout the northeast and northwest of America.

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