Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mineral Creek

Time: 6:00-9:00 pm
Date: Wednesday 8 June, 2011
Place: Mineral Creek and Bog
Light wind, light rain, and cloudy.

Fireweed- Epilobium angustifolium
Horse Tail- Equisetum
Large Leaf Avens- Geum macrophyllum
Common Dandelions- Taraxacum
Fireweed- Epilobium angustifolium
Forget-me-not- Myosotis
Narcissus Flower Anemone- Anemone narcissiflora
Salmon Berry- Rubus spectabilis
Red Berried Elder- Sambucus
Black Cotton Wood- Populus trichocarpa
Devil's Club-Oplopanax horridus
Northern Red Currant- Ribes triste
Spiny Wood Fern- Dryopteris expansa
Cow Parsnip- Heracleum maximum
Smooth Alumroot- Heuchera glabra
Bald Eagle- Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Alaska Spiraea- Spiraea beauverdiana
Shepherd's Purse- Capsella bursa-pastoris
Trailing Black Currant- Ribes laxiflorum
Ostrich Fern- Matteuccia struthiopteris
False Hellebore- Veratrum viride
Alaska Violet- Viola langsdorfii fisch
High Bush Cranberry- Viburnum trilobum
Marsh Violet- Viola palustris
Wild Iris- Iris missouriensis
Chocolate Lilly- Fritillaria biflora
Dwarf Dog Wood- Cornus pumila
Sundew- Drosera
Nagoon Berry- Rubus arcticus
Star Flower- Borago officinalis
Sphagnum Moss
Crow Berry- Empetrum
Bog Labrador's Tea- Rhododendron groenlandicum
Cloud Berry- Rubus chamaemorus
Bog Blueberry- Vaccinium myrtillus
Fir Club Moss- Huperzia selago
Bog Cranberry- Vaccinium oxycoccos
Sitka Willow- Salix sitchensis
Sitka Alder- Alnus viridis
Sitka Valerian- Valerina sitchensis

We had an eventful day today. We got to identify plenty of wildflowers and plant life before we even got to the bog. It is nice to see a dramatic improvement in my identification skills. The trail has a great supply of plant life, and wildlife too, not that we saw any. It was really helpful that a lot of the wildflowers are now blooming or in bloomed. I am so excited to see that our flowers from throughout this class are blooming and beautiful. The bog was really cool, because we could see the sphagnum that makes peat moss and bogs. All around a great trip.

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