"Dune Grass by Pamelabydesign on DeviantART." Dune Grass by Pamelabydesign on DeviantART. Pamelabydesign, 28 Aug. 2003. Web. 25 Oct. 2014. <http://pamelabydesign.deviantart.com/art/Dune-grass-361241159>.
Dune Grass (Elymus Mollis) are formed in big clumps with some thick spreading rhizomes. They can get up to 0.5-1.5 m tall in stem stout. They tend to be hairy towards the top of it. The leaves are flat, tough, and the hairy above with multiple nerves. /the leaves can get up to 6-mm wide. You can find Dune grass in coastal dunes, in gravel beaches, and as well as shoreline forests. This grass can/was used for weaving tumplines and packstraps.
Reference Guide. (1994). In J. Pojar (Ed.), Plants Of The Pacific Northwest Coast (p. 528). Canada: Lone Pine Publisher