Sunday, June 5, 2011

Root Glacier Trail

Time: 12:30-5:30
Date: Thursday 2 June, 2011
Place: Kennicott, Root Glacier Trail
Temperature: 66 to 69 degrees
Weather: Sunny day with very little breeze. Scorching sun at times.

Soap Berries- Shepherdia canadensis
Prickly Saxifrage/Three tooth- Saxifraga tricuspidata
Green Map Lichen- Rhizocarpon geographicum
False Pixie Cup- Cladonia chlorophaea
Yellow Anemone- Anemone ranuculoides
Large Flowered Wintergreen- Pyrola grandiflora
Narcissus Flowered Anemone- Anemone narcissiflora
Elegant Orange Lichen- Xanthorai elegans
Buttercup- Ranunculus
Green Comma- Polygonia faunus
Monks Hood- Acontium
White Heather- Cassiope mertensiana
Fireweed- Epilobium angustifolium
Sub Alpine Fir- Abies lasiocarpa
Alpine Avens- Acomastylis rossii turbinata
Paper Birch- Betula papyrifera
Elegant Jacobs Ladder- Polemonium elegans
Dwarf Fireweed- Chamerion latifolium
Balsam Willow- Salix pyrifolia
Kamchatka Rockcress- Arabis kamchatica
Balsam Poplar- Populus balsamifera
Green Alder- Alnus viridis
Yellow Anemone- Anemone ranuculoides
Venus Orchid- Anguloa clowesii

Mourning Cloak- Nymphalis antiopa

Kennicott was such an awesome little town filled with great plants and animals and also geologically rich. The people were all so kind, and seemed to be fairly intelligent. It was a beautiful place and it had some cool history. The trail was filled with lush plant life that we have not seen in our temperate rain forest. I can say with all honesty that I will be going be going back to spend more time in there. It was a shame that we didn't make it all the way to the glacier though.

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