Friday, June 10, 2011

Mineral Creek

8 June 2011
Overcast, Light wind and a slight drizzle
51 degrees F.

Trail head

Salmon berry- Rubus spectabilis
Fireweed- Epilobium angustifolium
Forget- me- nots- Myosotis alpestris


Red berry elder- Sambucus racemosa
Horsetail- Equisetum hyemale
Spiny wood fern- Dryopteris expansa
Smooth alumroot- Heuchera glabra
Stevens spirea
Shepherds purse- Capsella bursa-pastoris
Devils cub- Oplopanax horridus
Trailing Black currant- Ribes laxiflorum


Cloudberry- Rubus chamaemorus
Round-leaved sundew- Dosera rotundifolia
Bog Roesemary- Andromeda polifolia
Tufted Clubrush- Trichophorum cespitosum
Dwarf Nangoon Berry- Rubus arcticus
Sphagnum Mosses- Sphagnum spp.
Fir Clubmoss- Huperzia selago
Crowberry- Empetrum rubrum
Marsh Violet- Viola palustris
Wild Geranium- Geranium maculatum
Alaska Violet- Viola langsdorfii
Bog Blueberry- Vaccinium uliginosum

On the way back

Sitka Valerian- Valeriana sitchensis
Sitka Willow- Salix sitchensis
Sitka Alder- Alnus viridis


Bald Eagle- Haliaeetus leucocephalus

The trail was awesome. I have never been to a bog before, and seeing the sundew was a first. The bugs were not as bad as they could have been, which was a plus. Even though the bog was being destroyed by four wheelers and people littering there was still stuff to be seen out there.

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