Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mineral Creek Bog

Thursday 6/8/11
Cloudy, and 43F

large leaf avens- Geum macrophyllum
alpine forget me not- Myosotis laxa
salmonberry- Rubus spectabilis
red berry elder- Sambucus racemosa
devils club- Oplopanax horridus
spiny wood fern- Dryopteris expansa
smooth alumroot- Heuchera glabra
alaska spiraea- Spiraea beauverdiana
shepherd's purse- Capsella bursa-pastoris
shooting stars- Dodecatheon meadia
cow parsnip- Heracleum maximum
trailing black currant- Ribes laxiflorum
false hellebore- Veratrum viride
ostrich fern- Matteuccia struthiopteris
marsh violet- Viola palustris
highbush cranberry- Viburnum trilobum
alaska violet- Viola langsdorfii
chocolate lily- Fritillaria biflora
dwarf dogwood- Cornus pumila
bog rosemary-Andromeda polifolia
sundew- Drosera sp.
nagoon berry- Rubus arcticus
crowberry- Empetrum nigrum
labradore tea- Rhododendron groenlandicum
cloud berry- Rubus chamaemorus
wild geranium- Geranium maculatum
wild iris- Iris missouriensis
bog blueberry- Vaccinium myrtillus
narcissus flowered anemone- Anemone narcissiflora
false lily of the valley- Maianthemum dilatatum
sitka alder- Salix sitchensis
sitka willow- Alnus viridis
sitka valerian- Valerina sitchensis

I was really excited to go to the bog. Our class has a tendency to try to identify none bog plants as bog plants and it was finally our chance to actually identify some plants that grow in bogs. It was exciting to finally finds some bog blueberries! I was disappointed to see how badly the bog has been torn up by four wheelers, but luckily some of it was untouched.

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