Sunday, June 5, 2011

Gilahina Creek

Time: 3:00 pm
Date: Friday 3 June, 2011
Place: West Kennicott Trail, by the Ranger Station
Light wind and mildly cloudy.

Twin Flower- Linnaea borealis
Wild Rose- Rosa virginiana
Lowbush Cranberry- Vaccinium vitis-idaea
Northern Bastard Toadflax- Geocaulon lividum
Green Alder- Alnus viridis
Fireweed- Epilobium angustifolium
Horse Tail- Equisetum
Labrador Tea- Rhododendron tomentosum
Yellow Anemone- Anemone ranunculoides
White Spruce- Picea glauca
Quaking Aspen- Populus tremuloides
Powder Orange Lichen- Xanthoria fallax

This was our last stop on the trip where we identified things. It was a really nice creek on the side of the road, that appeared pretty untouched by the road and the locals. Very calm area, I think it was one of my favorite trails.

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