Friday, May 27, 2011

watermelon berry

Watermelon Berries , also known as cucumber berries and twisted stock or scientifically known as Streptopus amplexifolius. These delicious red berries are full of watery cucumber tasting liquid but don't eat to many of these because they have a slight laxative affect if eaten in a large amount. The American Indians also used the juices to sooth a burn.

The leaves are long oval with pointed tops. at each leaf there is a bend in the thin green stock, giving it a twisted look and have white little flowers that hang down. these plants can get to be 100 cm tall.

You can find this plant in Alaska to California and most of the United states, also through out Canada. They usually will be by streams banks or thick mountain woods. Watermelon berries like moist ground and shaded areas. The berries are ripened around mid summer time.

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