Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dock Point

Dock Point
May 25, 2011

Sunny with some clouds warm air and little to no breeze.

Salmon Berry---Rubus spectabilis
Wild Celery---Vallisneria americana
Ostrich Fern---Matteuccia struthiopteris
Fireweed---Epilobium angustifolium
Devils Club---Oplopanax horridus
Feltleaf Willow---Salix alexensis
Indian Corn---Zea mays
Cow Parsnip---Heracleum maximum
Rockweed---Pilea microphylla
Spruce Tree---Picea
Common Beard Moss---Usnea australis
Silky Tufted Moss---Bryophyta
Goats Beard---Tragopogon pratensis
Oval-leafed Blueberry---Vaccinium ovalifolium
Alaskan Blueberry---Vaccinium alaskaense
Skunk Cabbage---Symplocarpus foetidus
False lily-of-the-valley---Maianthemum dilatatum
Oak Fern---Gymnocarpium diopter
Artist Conch---Ganoderma applanatum
Dwarf Dogwood---Cornus pumila
Yarrow---Achillea ageratifolia

Mew Gulls---Larus canus
Arctic Tern---Sterna paradisaea
Moth SP.
Spider SP.
Caterpillar SP.

Nurse Log

I have been down that path a few times and its crazy to see how much was there that I really never looked twice at. the weather was pretty nice I didn't have to put on my other jacket because the air was warm enough. Though it was a defiant switch from the boat trip there was far less wild life than I expected.

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