Thursday, May 26, 2011

Shoup Bay

Time: 4:30-8:20
Date: Thursday 26 May, 2011
Place: Shoup Bay Trail
Temperature: 64 degrees
Weather: So much sun. 4 mph winds and no cloud cover. A beautiful day.

Horsetail- Equisetum arvense
Fireweed- Epilobium angustifolium
Salmon Berries- Rubus spectabilis
False Indian Corn- Veratrum viride
Sitka Alder- Alunus viridis
Skunk Cabbage- Lysichition americanus
Common Dandy Lions- Taraxacum officinale
Ostrich Ferns- Matteuccia struthiopteris
Goats Beard- Aruncus dioicus
Spiny Wood Fern- Dryopteris expansa
Red Berry Elder- Sambucus nigra
Cottonwood Black- Populus trichocarpa
Scouler's Willow- Salix Scouleriana
Northern Red Current- Ribes triste
Devils Club- Oplopanax horridus
Oak Fern- Gymnocarpium dryopteris
Alaskan Blueberry- Vaccinium alaskaense
False Lilly of the Valley- Maianthemum dilatatum
Twisted Stalk- Streptopus amplexifolius
Nettles- Urtica dioica
Alaska Violet- Viola langsdorffii
Stream Violet- Viola glabella
Chocolate Violet- Fritillaria biflora
Wild Iris- Iris missouriensis
Wild Geranium- Geranium maculatum
Shooting Star- Dodecatheon
Marsh Cinquefoil- Potentilla palustris
Meadow Barley- Hordeum brachyatherum
Arctic Rush- Juncus arcticus
Pincushion Orange Lichen- Xanthoria polycarpa
Beach Greans- Honekenya peploids
Nori- Porphyra miniata
Dulse- Palmaria palmata
Smooth Alumroot- Huechera glabra
Shooting Star- Hydrangea macrophylla
Monks Root- Lewisia redivia
Arctic Dock- Rumex arcticus
Nagoon Berry- Rubus arcticus
Spiked Wood Rush- Luzula spicata

Beach Access Trail
This area was dryer than the majority of the trails today. I was a more open area with a very low canopy. There was a lot of low shrubs and ground plants such as False Indian Corn. It wasn't terribly wet, but still notably a moist area that allowed for the plant life to sprout in a most rapid way. It was in fact the most rapidly growing area on the trail. The chocolate lily will likely bloom in the next few days.
To add to this it was super warm, and really nice day. There was a lot of plant life, but little of it was in bloom. I can't wait until I get to go back and hike the whole trail.

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