Thursday, May 26, 2011

Shoup Bay Trail

Shoup Bay Trail
May 26th 2011
Sunny, light wind and very hot out.

First Trail Plants
Ostrich Fern---Matteuccia struthiopteris
Devils Club---Oplopanax horridus
Oak Fern---Gymnocarpium dryopteris
Cottonwood---Populus deltoides
Watermelon Berry---Streptopus amplexifolius
Nettles---Urtica Species
Cow Parsnip---Heracleum maximum
Fireweed---Chamerion angustifolium
Alaskan Violets---Viola langsdorfii
False Indian Corn---Veratrum viride
Stream Violets---Viola glabella
Scoulers Willows---Salix scouleriana

The Beach-Plants
Purple Iris---Iris germanica
Shooting Star---Hydrangea macrophylla
Meadow Barley---Hordeum brachyantherum
Yarrow---Achillea millefolium
Arctic Rush---Arcticus
Rockweed---Pelvetia fastigiata
Water Strider---Gerridae
Bumble Bee---Bombus
Raven---Corvus corax
Mew Gull---Larus canus
American Robin---Turdus migratorius
Blue Mussels---Mytilus edulis
Spider Mite---Tetranynchus urticae Koch
Red Crab (Dead)---Gecarcoidea natalis
Moth SP.

Second Trail Plants
Salmon Berry---Rubus spectabilis
Star Flower---Trientalis borealis
Miners Lettuce---Claytonia perfoliata
Peat Moss---Sphagnum
Nagoon Berry---Rubus arcticus
Chocolate Lily---Fritillaria Camschatcencis
Skunk Cabbage---Lysichition americanus
Mosquitos SP.

Beach Access Trail-Open field with most of the plants we have identified already growing from the moss or peat growing along the trail sides. The plants are scattered amongst one another.

Today was another adventure to another place I haven't been, it was a nice hike and a very beautiful day. I had never actually seen mud like that and it was kind of scary to think that if you started sinking you didn't know where it would stop. It is defiantly a place I am going to go again when I have the time.

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