Friday, May 27, 2011

Shoup Bay Trail

Shoup Bay Trail
5/26/11 4:30-8:00PM
Weather- Sunny, clear, 65F, amazing beautiful day!

Plants Observed

Watermelon berry-Streptopus amplexifolius
Nettles-Urtica Species
Alaskan violet-Viola langsdorfii
stream violet- Viola glabella
wild geranium-Geranium maculatum
chocolate lily-Fritillaria biflora
marsh cinquefoil- Potentilla palustris
meadow barley-Hordeum brachyantherum
artic rush-Juncus arcticus
pin cushion orange lichen-Xanthoria polycarpa
beach greens-Arenaria peploides
smooth leaf-Saxifraga integrifolia
schoulers willow-Salix scouleriana
Shooting star-Dodecatheon alpinum

The beach accesses trail was covered in beautiful greenery everywhere with a moist some what bouncy ground. False Indian corn , Stream violets, and elders line the narrow path way to the beach.

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