Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Anderson Bay 5/19/11

Anderson Bay
Thursday 5/19/11
39 degrees
overcast with light showers and light winds

brown algae- Phaeophyceae
rock weed- Ascophyllum nodosum

sunflower sea star- Pycnopodia helianthoides
blue mussels -Mytilus edulis
clam worm- Nereis succinea
giant green anemone- Anthopleura xanthogrammica
ocre sea star- Pisaster ochraceus
purple sea urchin- Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
black clawed crab- Lophopanopeaus bellus
leather star- Dermasterias imbricata
giant pacific chiton- Cryptochiton stelleri
black oystercatcher- Haematopus bachmani
harbor seals- Phoca vitulina
dall porpoise- Phocoenoides dalli
harbor porpoise- Phocoena phocoena

This trip was very interesting because we were only a short boat ride away from Valdez, but there were many organisms that we wouldn't normally see around the beaches in Valdez.

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