Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dock Point

Time: 5:30- 9:30
Date: Wednesday 25 May, 2011
Place: Dock Point
Temperature: 53 degrees
Weather: Bright warm sunshiny day. 6 mph winds and little to no cloud cover. A beautiful day.

Horsetail- Equisetum arvense
Fireweed- Epilobium angustifolium
Salmon Berries- Rubus spectabilis
False Indian Corn- Veratrum viride
Sitka Alder- Alunus viridis
Skunk Cabbage- Lysichition americanus
Common Dandy Lions- Taraxacum officinale
Ostrich Ferns- Matteuccia struthiopteris
Goats Beard- Aruncus dioicus
Spiny Wood Fern- Dryopteris expansa
Red Berry Elder- Sambucus nigra
Cottonwood Black- Populus trichocarpa
Felt Leaf Willow- Salix Alaxensis
Northern Red Current- Ribes triste
Annelid- Glycera
Devils Club- Oplopanax horridus
Oak Fern- Gymnocarpium dryopteris
Common Beard Moss- Usnea
Oval Leaf Blueberry- Vaccinium ovalifolium
Alaskan Blueberry- Vaccinium alaskaense
Skunk Cabbage- Symplocarpus foetidus
False Azalea- Menziesia ferruginea
False Lilly of the Valley- Maianthemum dilatatum
Shepherd's Purse- Capsella bursa
Pussy Toes- Antennaria neglecta
Cow Parsnip- Heracleum maximum
Artist Conch- Ganoderma applanaturn
Dwarf Dogwood- Cornus pumila
Nurse Log
Yarrow- Achillea millefolium
Forget Me Not- Myostosis

On this day we wandered the Dock Point trial. This trail is part bog, part temperate rain forest, and part regular forest area. The first part had a bunch of salmon berries, and plant life that populates near the watery area. What is very cool is that there were many very old Alders. Which as I was informed was fairly rare. There was a large amount of very water based plants. They were very mossy. There was a lot of plants that were very difficult to identify, but it was a great way to improve my identification skills.

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