Friday, May 20, 2011

Boat ride to Anderson bay and Shoup bay
May 19, 2011
9:00 am-3:30 pm
Weather - 40o , Cloudy, and a little rainy with some winds.
Anderson Bay
Animals Observed and Identified:
Sunflower sea star-Pycnopodia Helianthoides
Sea Otter-Enhydra Lutris
Mussels- Mytilus Edulis
Snail Eggs
Sea urchins-Echinoidea
Longfin Sculpin-Jordania Zonope
Black Claw Crab-Lophopanopeus Bellus
leather Star-Dermasterias Imbricata

Plants Observed and Identified:
Rock Weed-Dermasterias Imbricata
Goats Beard-Tragopogon

Shoup Bay

Animals Observed and Identified:
Harbor Porpoise-Phocoena
Black oyster Catchers-Haematopus Bachmani

Plants Observed and Identifed:
Blue Berry- Vaccinium corymbosum
Elder Berry- Sambucus nigra
Devils Club- Oplopanax Horridus

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