Thursday, May 19, 2011

Anderson and Shoup bay (thing)

Time: 9:00- 3:45
Date: Thursday 19 May, 2011
Place: Anderson bay and Shoup bay/beach
Temperature: 39 degrees
Climate: A cloudy day with mild rain. The wind speed was six miles per hour.

Bald Eagle- Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Sea Otter- Enhydra lutris
Brown Algae- Phaeophyceae
Sunflower Seastar- Pycnopodia helianthoides
Leather Sea Star- Dermasterias imbricata
Bat Starfish- Asterina miniata
Sitka Spruce- Picea sitchensis
Rockweed- Ascophyllum nodosum
Blue Mussels- Mytilus edulis
Giant Green Anenome- Anthopleura
Surf Grass-Phyllospadix scouleri
Ochre Starfish- Pisaster ochraceus
Purple Urchin- Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
Tidepool sculpin- Oligocottus maculosus
Methusalah's Beard- Usnea longissima
Plumose Anenome- Metridium senile
Spiny Mudstar- Petalaster foliolata
Giant Pacific Chiton- Cryptochiton stelleri
Dall Porpoise- Phocoenoides dalli
Black Oystercatcher- Haematopus bachmani

This was such a great trip. I was very excited to get to go to the other side of the bay. This was a choice place to study intertidal animals, and to see all the plant life around the Pacific Northwest. We saw such a wide variety of animalsin the tides, as well as loads of plant life and molluscs. I very much plan to go back to Anderson Bay as soon as possible.

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