Thursday, May 19, 2011

Anderson Bay

Thursday, May 19th, 2011
Overcast with light rain and light wind.
39 degrees

Anderson Bay

ItalicBlue Mussels---Mytilus Edulis
Arctic Tern---Sterna Paradisaea
Sea Otters---Enhydra Lutris Kenyoni
Sunflower Star---Pycnapodia Helianthoides
Sitka Periwinkle---Littorina Sitkana
Long Fin Sculpin---Jordania Zonope
Sea Urchin---Echinoidea
Plate Limpet---Notoacmea Scutum
Leather Star---Dermasterias Imbricata
Black Claw Crab---Lophopanopeus Bellus Bellus
Gumboot Chiton---Chryptochiton Stelleri

Shoupe Bay
Black Oystercatcher---Haematopus Bachmani
Harbor Seals---Phoca Vitulina
Humming Bird SP.

Anderson Bay
Rockweed---Fucus Gardneri
Brown Algae---Phaeophyceae
Lichen SP.
Ostrich Ferns---Matteucia Struthiopteris
Goats Beard---Tragopogon
Moss SP.
Devils Club---Oplopanax Horridus

I have lived in Valdez my entire life and this has been the first trip where I have actually gotten to explore more of the Valdez than I have ever seen. Even though it was cold and not a pretty day it was still an amazing adventure that made me look closer at the things around me in my environment.

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