Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dock Point

May 25th, 2011, 6:30 pm- 9:15 pm
Sunny with patches of clouds, cool to warm depending on the cloud coverage.
Temp: 49 degrees Wind Speed: 4 mph, but blocked by trees and foliage
Water front rocky cliffs, temperate forest and bog with varying elevations.

Mew gull- Larus canus
Arctic tern- Sterna paradisaea
Bald Eagle- Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Earth worm-
Lumbricus terrestris

Artist's conk-
Ganoderma applanatum (found near bog)

The order in which the plants are listed is the progression through the different environments that converge at Dock Point. The first plants that are listed will mostly like be the first that you encounter, so and so forth as the list and your hike go on. Enjoy!

Sitka spruce- Picea sitchensis
Sitka alder- Alnus sinuata
Salmon berry- Rubus spectabilis
Black cottonwood- Populus trichocarpa
Spiny wood fern- Dryopteris expansa
Sea-watch- Angelica lucida
Felt leaf willow- Salix alexensis
Devil's club- Oplopanax horridus
Fire weed- Chamerion angustifolium
Cow parsnip- Heracleum lanatum
Silky tufted moss- Blindia acuta
Red roof moss- Ceratodon purpureus
Common beard moss- Schistidium apocarpum
Hairy screw moss- Tortula ruralis
Red-stemmed feather moss- Pleurozium schreberi
Northern red currant- Ribes triste
False azalea- Menziesia ferruginea
Oval leafed blueberry- Vaccinium ovalifolium
Alaskan blueberry- Vaccinium alaskaense
Swamp lantern- Lysichiton americanum
False lily of the valley- Maianthemum dilatatum
Pussytoes- Antanaria spp.
Goats beard- Aruncus sylvester
False hellbore- Veratum viride
Common dandelion- Taraxacum officinale
Dwarf dogwood- Cornus canadensis
Yarrow- Achillea millefolium
Forget me nots- Myosotis alpestris

A very interesting trip to say the least, and very heavy in vegetation. I would like to go back when everything is blooming really well and also to munch on some salmon and blue berries. I liked the interior of the trees near the bog, very interesting and aesthetic pleasing.

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