Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summary of Worthington Glacier Summer 2011

Worthington Glacier


Fireweed---Eqilobium angustifolium

Sitka Alder---Alnus sinuata

Variable Willow---Salix commutata

Black Cottonwood---Populus trichocarpa


Mew Gulls---Larus canus

Dwarf Willow- Saliz herbaccea

Crowberry - Empetrum nigrum

Artic willow- Salix arctica

Common Dandelion- Taraxacum officinale

Corral lichen- Cladia retipora

The glacier was an interesting trip. It is a very important place for a natural history student to visit, because this whole area was carved by ice, much like that one. It was cool identifying all of the pieces of the glacier and glacial area. The most interesting part of this area was simply the lack of plant life. Of course there isn't much for a reason, but it was cool to see the willows and dwarf fireweed doing what they are known for.

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