Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summary of Gilahina Trail Summer 2011

Friday 6/3/11
Sunny 68F


Quaking aspen- Populus tremuloides

Green alder- Alnus viridis

Paper birch- Betula papyrifera

White Spruce---Picea glauca


Wild Strawberry- Fragaria vesca

Lowbush Cranberry- Vaccinium vitis-idaea

Bearberry- Arctostaphylos

Wildflowers & Grasses:

Fireweed- Chamerion latifolium

Bastard toad flax- Comandra umbellata

Twin flower- Linnaea borealis

Tall lungwort- Mertensia bella

Narcissus flowered anenome- Anenome coronaria

Broomrape- Boschniakia rossica

Common Pink Wintergreen---Pyrola asarifolia

Yellow Anemone---Anemone ranunculoides

Dwarf Jacob's Ladder- Polemonium boreale

Dwarf Fireweed- Chamerion latifolium

Labrador Tea---Rhododendron groenlandicum

Wild Rose- Rosa virginiana

Horse Tail- Equisetum


Powdered Orange Lichen---Teloschistes flavicans

We stopped for lunch by Gilahina Creek and it had a neat little trail that right by the creek. We were all exhausted because this was the last trail we went on as we were heading home from our three day trip to McCarthy. Most of the plants there were ones that we had already identified, but there were some new once like the broomrape. It was a really nice, relaxing spot and I'm glad that we stopped there.

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