Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dock point summerie

SEA Weed
Butter Clam
Amph Pods
Blue Mussels
Kelp Isopod
Nuttal’s Cockle
Northern Yero
Wild Celery
Beach Cinquefoil (Pacific Silver weed)
Alder Tree
Pink Yarrow
Beach pea
Goat’s beard
Fringe cup
A Rush
Rock Weed
Red berried Elder
Devils Club
Watermelon berry
Fire weed
Lady fern
Early blueberry
Wild Iris
Skunk cabbage
Feather moss
Tree moss
Alaska Spirea (Beauvera’s Spinraea)
Alaska Cotton
Corn Lily
Broom rape ground cone

Animals an orgasms an other things
Bear Bed
Bear prints
Fox prints
Eagle in tree with nest
Owl Feather
Pill Bug
Bear skat
Bog Hole
eagle in nest
large birds

Out of every ones blog i got that everyone enjoyed the trip. Everyone was looking under rocks an moving sea weed around to find things we found a shrimp an pill bugs. We Also had Some ripe Samoan Berry's, but the blue Berry's we not ripe yet.
the tide was coming in on the beach as we were out on it, but it was still fun, an really slippery, we saw a lot of plants an singhs of animals while we were out too,
i hope every one ejoyed it as much as me

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