Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Boat Trip/ Gold Creek

Time: 7*20*09
Date: 10:40am -1:30pm
Weather:Very cold, raining, with lots of clouds and a temp some where in the 50’s

Plants and animals seen on our trip:
Humpback Shrimp
Two Spot Shrimp
Irish Lords
Sea Lions
Blue Muscles
Fire Weed
Clam Shells
Rock Weed
Butter Clam
Wild Celery
False Pacific Jingle Shell
Artit Turn Feather
Musk Limpet
Lewis Moon
Salmon Tellin
Beach Groundsel
Sea Otter

I think this trip was the best one, yes I was a little scared at first but we all made alive. It was really cool to see the sea lions, and sea otters I have never seen anything like that before.Seeing that was the part that I liked the most, the next part would have to be when he span us around on the boat when we were standing on the very front part of it. Thank you for the trips it was fun and I would go on a boat again sometime I really did enjoy myself out there.

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