Thursday, June 4, 2009

Week 1

On June, 2nd 2009 at 14:21 the winds were 7-10 knots with a clear sky and a temperature of 62 degrees fahrenheit above at the Mineral Creek Bog. I identified several different species of Alaskan wild plants and flowers. The first plant I came across was the CrowBerry (Empetrum nigrum), it was a small bush like plant with small evergreen needles. There was no evidence of blueberry like berries on the bush. The CrowBerry is a member of the Ericaceae family. 
The second plant I came across was the Bog Rose Mary (Andromeda polifolia) it was small with long evergreen like needles and a light pink flower on it's top. The Bog Rose Mary also belongs to the Ericaceae family. I also identified a Wild Iris (Iris Setosa) it had 3 purple/blue flowers on top of a long green stalk. This Iris is a member of the Iridaceae family.  The fourth plant I came across was the Chocolate Lilly (Fritillaria camschatcensis) it had rows of dark green pointy leaves growing around in a circle. There was no evidence of flowers. The Chocolate lilly belongs to the Liliaceae family. The Nangoon Berry (Rubus arcticus) was the fifth plant I came across it had small tough green leaves and grew close to the ground. I didn't find any berries present. The Nangoon Berry belongs to the Rosaceae family. Second to last I saw a Highbush Cranberry (Viburnum trilobum) it was a larger bush with medium sized green leaves, Dr Fronzuto pointed out a berry present from last years growing season it made it threw the winter snow ! The Highbush Cranberry belongs to the Caprifoliaceae family. Lastly was the False Hellebore (Veratrum viride ) it had long broad green leaves that came to a point that grew in a bunch. The False Hellebore belongs to the Melanthiaceae family.   Until next week, Goodbye 

1 comment:

  1. Nice touch putting in the scientific names! It is very early in the season for berries, so it is no surprise that none of the plants had them, they will come later. Great that you actually saw an Iris bloom. They are one of my favorites!

    Please rename your blog, to the location, if you can. If not, the title of future blogs should have the location in them.

    Now, we are all waiting for your introduction, as you play catch up!


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