Monday, June 1, 2009

About Me

My name is Jenica Barber. This is the very first time that I have ever taken a class such as this one. So I guess we will all see how I do. What I hope to get from this class is knowing all the different things there is to know about this place (world). I hope to be able to learn new things and have fun doing them all with my classmates. I have to be honest I don't know anything at all about plants and others things that we will be learning in this class, but that is why I hope to learn all the diffternt things that we will be going over. I am ready to learn and a really hard worker. It may take me some time, but I am willing to do the work. I am excited to go on all the out doors trips we will be taken and even the over night ones. I have to say I am not an out doors type of person, but I am here and ready for anything, hey maybe not only will I learn something from this class, maybe I will learn that I am really an out doors person.


  1. idk if im really an outdoors person eather

  2. You'll be fine, sweetie. (((Hugs)))


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