Thursday, September 11, 2014

McCarthy Field Trip, Day 2

September 6, 2014 2:03 pm Kennecot Mines

weather: light rain till 2:30, then partly cloudy, winds 7 mph
geo: gravel, mountain, mill sight, lateral moraine

non-vegetative life: moose Alces alces, gnats

plants & fungi:
cow parsnip Heracleum lanatum
northern yarrow Achillea borealis
dandelion Taraxacum officinale
river beauty/dwarf fireweed Epilobium latifolium
white spruce Picea glauca
balsam poplar Populus balsamifera
willow Salix sp.
common horsetail Equisetum arvense
feather moss Kindbergia oregana
freckled pelt lichen Peltigera brittannica
frog pelt lichen Peltigera neopolydactyla
pixie cup lichen Claudonia chlorophaea
arctic lupine Lupinus arcticus
red alder Alnus rubra
beautiful jacobs ladder
prickly rose Rosa acicularis
alpine bearberry Arctostaphylos alpina
bog blueberry Vaccinium uliginosum
crowberry/mossberry Empetrum nigrum
spiny puffball Lycoperdon echinatum
pink wintergreen Pyrola asarifolia
green wintergreen Pyrola chlorantha
prickly saxifrage Saxifraga bronchialis
waterworm lichen Siphula ceratites
dog pelt lichen Peltigera canina
yellow sulfur lichen
northern red currant Ribes triste
soapberry Shepherdia canadensis
artemisia sp.
subalpine fir Abies lasiocarpa
broomrape/groundcone Boschniakia rossica
scouring-rush Equisetum hyemale
juniper bush Juniperus communis
common fireweed Epilobium angustifolium

Works Cited:
Google. (n.d.). Google. Retrieved September 9, 2014, from
Pojar, J., MacKinnon, A., & Alaback, P. B. (1994). Plants of the Pacific Northwest coast: Washington, Oregon, British Columbia & Alaska. Redmond, Wash.: Lone Pine Pub..
Pratt, V. E. (1989). Field guide to Alaskan wildflowers. Anchorage, Alaska: Alaskakrafts Pub.. 

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