Saturday, May 14, 2011

Duck Flats

Duck Flats

Time: 5:30- 9:30
Date: Thursday 12 May, 2011
Place: Bike Path and Duck flats
Temperature: 50's. Mostly 52
Climate: Bright sunny day. Little cloud cover, with a light breeze reaching 19 mph at times. Moon was out and waxing.

Horsetail- Equisetum arvense
Fireweed- Epilobium angustifolium
Salmon Berries- Rubus spectabilis
False Indian Corn- Veratrum viride
Pyrola- Pyrola americana
Sitka Alder- Alunus viridis
Skunk Cabbage- Lysichition americanus
Common Dandy Lions- Taraxacum officinale
Bed Straw- Galium verum
Wild Irise- Iris missouriensis
Rockweed- Fucus vesiculosus
Parsley Ferns- Cryptogramma crispa
Ostrich Ferns- Matteuccia struthiopteris
Goats Beard- Aruncus dioicus
Shooting Star- Dodecatheon pulchellum

Porcupine- Erethizon doratum
American Robin-Turdus migratorius
American Widgeon-Anas americana
White Wing Scooter- Melanitta fusca
Arctic Turn- Sterna paridisia Anas
Mallards- Anas platyrhynchos

I really enjoyed this first trip. It was a nice way to smoothly introduce us to the way that the trips will run, and it was a very comfortable place that we have all seen many many times. I had some trouble identifying the foul, but that was mostly because they were too far away to see properly. All in all I would say this was a very nice trip.

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