Friday, May 13, 2011

The Duck Flats Trip

Valdez, Ak

Clear sky warm air with light breeze. The moon was half visible.

American Robin.
Herring Gull.
Mew Gull.
Mallard Ducks Male&Female.
Arctic tern.
Blue Mussels.
Soft-shelled clam (Shell only).
Caterpillar - Black Head, Brown Body.
Spider - Red Legs, Black Body.
White Wing Scoter.

Horse tail (SP).
Cow Parsnip.
Salmon Berries.
Willow (SP).
Parsley Fern.
Wild Celery.
Yellow Skunk Cabbage.
Common Dandelions.
Bed Straw.
Shooting Star.
Goats Beard.
Indian Corn.

It was a nice trip on a sunny day and being in a class thats focus is like this made me focus on the animals, bugs and plants that I would normally just walk by. Getting to walk out onto the duck flats was also something that I have kind of always wanted to do too, it was interesting to look at all the things we saw besides all the trash. It was fun and I am exited to go on our other trips to see what we might find.

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