Friday, May 13, 2011

Duck Flats 3/12/2011

I had a wonderful time out on the Duck Flats we saw many interesting things. Below I will list some of the organisms that our class saw and identified.

Cow Parsnip- Heracleum lanatum
Fireweed- Chamerion angustifolioum
Salmon berry- Rubus spectabilis
Pussy Willow- Salix spp
Porcupine- Erethizon doratum
Wild Celery- Angelica lucida
Skunk Cabbage- Lysichiton americus
American Robin- Turdus migratorius
Shooting Star- Dodecatheon pulchellum
Gadwell Duck (male and female)-
Rockweed Kelp- Fucus spp.
Soft Shell Clams- Mya arenaria
Artic Turn- Sterna paridisia
White wing Scooter- Melanitta fusca


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