Wednesday, June 10, 2009

skulls & bones of ice age lectur

the presentation i thought was well put together. i learned allot about the animals that migrated to Alaska from the beringia land Brig, which was 5 miles wide an there since 1.8 million years ago to 10 million years later,wich is named after the danish explorer Vitus. I never knew that Alaska was a dry land an now look at it its wet an green an beautiful..

some of the things i learned are about the plants that were here back then, like the grass, sage, trees like tamaracks an spruces, an fewer lakes an streams every thing was really limited only about 10% of the state of Alaska was covered by plants an 30 % by ice...
some of the animals are i learned about was camels, ground sloths, horses, stepp bison. giant beaver's woolly mammoths, wrangle island dwarf mammoth, mastodon, dire wolf,saber tooth cat: smildon Californians, American lion, giant short faced cave bear....
most of the animals i named except the wrangle island dwarf mammoth is 2 or 3 time bigger than the actual animals that we have now a days... even though they were bigger they had a smaller brain size...

these animals that i have mentioned have all been discovered in the state of Alaska...
the presentation lasted about 35- 45 minuets, an was very educational, an allen had brougth some of the bones that were replicated an orginal to the presentation... i enjoyed it very much

1 comment:

  1. Please use full sentences, starting with a capitalized word and ending with a period. Also, use the full spelling of words, not a shorthand such as "an" for "and". Check your spelling.


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