Thursday, June 11, 2009

On Wednesday June 10th our class was out  Shoop Bay trail, a beautiful day it 67 degrees above with a 15 knot wind and heavy cloud cover We made to the beach just in time as the tide was on its way in. Out on the flats attached to rocks at the base was Rock Weed (Fucus disticus) I found this brown algae fascinating, brown yellow in color with a surface that felt like rubber with many air filled vessels to keep it afloat during high tide. Rock weed is a member of the Clomalveolata kingdom. Also on the flats were Idota, it was segmented and green in color, From head to end the the Idota was approximately 3 cm in length. The flats mud was made of glacial silt thus not supporting the filter marine life. Back on shore grew Dune grass (Elymus mollis) it had long blades green in color. This grass is resistant to the salt from ocean spray.
I saw a Lady Fern (Athyrium filix femina), Crane's Bill (Geranium erianthum) and a Hose tail (Equisetum arvense). 


  1. I know you identified more than this. Please list everything that you identified, even if you've seen it before (& even if someone else has mentioned it). This way we will get the most accurate picture of all the organisms found in the particular communities we visit.

  2. Also put the location in the title.

    Perhaps you should read the directions again?


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