Monday, June 8, 2009


The peat moss (Sphagnum) in the Mineral Creek bog in a member of the Sphagnaceae family. The moss was growing on top of a bog, a very wet environment. The moss had tiny leaves growing together tightly like a carpet almost as if it were woven. To the touch it was slightly damp, also the smell was very Earthly. This picture was shot off of the goat trail back in april.
Peat moss is used in many ways including soil additive, fuel and a key ingredient in mushroom (mycelium) production.
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1 comment:

  1. Please read the instructions for this assignment. As this is a learning experience I will allow you to rewrite it for partial credit.

    There are many different kinds of moss. Unfortunately, he moss in the picture is not peat moss. Peat moss (Sphagnum moss) grows in the water of the bog, as it grows the older parts of the plants sink creating a huge sponge. This is why the bog is so spongy feeling, or you might say "boggy". If you can't get a picture of the organism at the place, find a picture that is of the same organism somewhere else.


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