Monday, June 1, 2009

salutations to new classes

greeting new class blog....
Ive currently been in VValdez, Alaska for the last two years, i moved here form Dell Rapids SD, I'm 17 years of age i graduated in JJanuary of this year an wanted to get in as much schooling as possible before i have to start my recommended classes... for going to be a bio engineer chemists.... so yeah

What I'm hoping to get out of this class is to learn more about the state i live in an also about my surroundings this class will give me an opportunity to see things i probably wouldn't recognize on an average day.... an also that thing i found interesting so far is that everything is open minded you dont have to look outside of what is really there like in normal life....
so this is me an i am hoping to love this class by the end of the 8 weeks

1 comment:

  1. I didnt know you were only 17 well it was nice meeting you. And I hope to get to know you better this summer.


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