Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mineral Creek

Time: 12:30 to 3:30
Date: Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Place: Mineral Creek
Temperature: 6o’s
Climate: Mostly sunny, some clouds with a light breeze

Plants I discovered on the trip:


Bush Cranberries

Bog Blue Berries

Nagoon Berry

Low bush cranberry

Dogwood berry

Alaska Violet

Bog Rosemary

Corn Lily White

Chocolate Lily

Red Alder

Canadian Dwarf Coronel


Willow Tree


Wild Iris

Insects we seen on trip:




Lots of Mosquitoes





And the head from so kind of animal

Well I would have to say it was kind of fun. I don’t know much about what we seen or even where we were. I never did think that I would be sitting on the ground in a bog on a bunch of moss. I would have to say that was a first for me. And I’m sure there will be many times I will say that.

It was a very beautiful day to be out doors looking around at all the different things. I think that a lot of the plants and flowers we seen today was very beautiful I guess I never realized all the different things that was have living all around us.


  1. The animal was a vole, a type of small rodent. Look it up :-)

    You do know where you were, you were at the Mineral Creek Bog, very slightly NW of Valdez!

    If you open Google Earth to valdez & scroll west (left) until you see the west edge of town you will be at the entrance of Mineral Creek. You can then follow the creek a short distance beyond the bridge & see the Bog on the left hand side of the road.

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