Thursday, June 4, 2009

Chocolate lily

A Chocolate lily can be found in open dry woods and meadows; they grow on well-drained soils on open slopes. The Chocolate lily can grow anywhere from one to four feet tall. The color is a brown/black and is shaped like a bell. Like several of the lilies, the bulbs of the Chocolate Lily were eaten by Native Americans. The Chocolate Lily, like their relatives, the Northern Rice Root has a number of rice-like bullets surrounding its single main bulb.

The Chocolate Lily is also called, Skunk Lily, Dirty Diaper and Outhouse Lily, because it does not have a nice sent to it as other flowers do. I would have to say I picked this flower/plant because when it is all bloomed it is very pretty, and because of its color. You don’t see to many chocolate colored flowers around anywhere.

Work Cited

National Geographic

Plant Guide

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done! Great photo! You can use the field guides as one of your references (when they come).


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