Thursday, May 29, 2008

Valdez Glasier

Valdez Glasier
May 29, 2008
1:30 p.m.
Weather was sunny, a light windy and about 69 degree.
On the way to walk up Valdez Glasier we studied variety of plants and trees. I would like to share one of the trees which was very first studing object. But the evening of the trip I got sun and wind burn on my neck and face area. We should be safety this type of syndrom during the trip.
Red-alder Tree-25 m tall: bark thin, grey, and smooth, often with white patches of lichens, becoming scaly at the base with age; wood and inner bark turn rusty-red when cut.
Male and female flowers in hanging, cylindrical spikes appear before the leaves.
Red Alder wood is considered to be the best possible fuel for smoking salmon and other types of fish. It is soft and even-grained, and is still used for amking feast bowls, masks, rattles, and a variety of other items.


  1. I will publish some more plants' picture with their deffiniation.
    Enjoy you imporing the natural knowledge!

  2. What a great description of Moss Campion. Please review the format you are to use for the field trip blog.

  3. Enjoy my new post! I replaced my Valdez Glasier tour post as I promised.

  4. On our Valdez Glacier outing, although it was hazy and didn't feel like the sun was hot, the sun can and will still burn you on a cloudy day. I carry a combination sun screen #30 SPF and bug repellent with DEET, and they have a lot of choices available at the store right now on sale. I also wear a hat, because with less pollution in the Alaskan air, it seems like the sun is stronger than elsewhere.
    Another comment- what group of people uses the alder tree to make the items mentioned in your post? It sounds really interesting. Thanks for the information.


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