Friday, May 30, 2008


It was on the 29 of May 08, the temperature was 69 degree F. At the top of the hills on our way to the valdez glacier, we could see distinction between the vegetations that is at the top of the hills were kind of brown vegetation due to cold and they had not blosom yet, while at the foot to mid hill the vegetation was green and beautiful. At our wonderful field trips the following were witnessed or encountered, a willow with kind of hairlike leaves, and Alder tree with doted white spots on the back,a mos plant and varieties of likens on the rocks.
Likens on their part,get their nutrients from the rock or from the air. further more where sticky scrubs that looked woody as was observed. also were Mos campions and the only insect that attracted our attention was the black spider and to add, was an artic willow and a horse tall which was out of experience by doctor Julie, could be used as a substitute for dish washing.
The field trip though was my first ever, was a great and wonderful one.


  1. Nice narrative. Please review the format for the post in the directions. Perhaps you would want to look up the spellings of the organisms in your field guide. Remember to submit your post url into the fieldtrip blog assignment on week one.

  2. I like how you described the mountain foliage layers. You noted things which I had missed.


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