Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I’m Isaiah W. Edwards. I’m 20 years old and I’m from Oakland, CA. A year or two ago, I never thought I’d be here in Alaska of all places, (I always knew I wanted to visit, but I never thought I’d get the chance to live here). Now, after changing colleges, here I am. So far I love it. People told me about this Natural History course, and I see it as an organized way to explore parts of the area and Alaska. An unorganized way would be me trying to figure out where to go, how to get there, and when to go, all on my own. I came in January, which I got a chance to experience a part of winter up here. The snow has melted now, and the ‘nature walks’ are blossoming with shrubs and leaves. It’s very beautiful. I’ve also gotten to see that Alaska has some of the BIGGEST mosquitoes I’ve seen. They out do California’s mosquitoes that seem to bite in the night, Arizona’s mosquitoes that travel and attack in packs, and Georgia’s large-24-hour-bite-more-on-the-hottest-days-ever mosquitoes

I’m looking forward to this class!

P.S. “Cold-blooded” is a universal adjective I’ve used for 2 years (after watching a Chappelle’s Show skit). It can be bad or good, depending on how I say it…


  1. It's great you had the courage to up and come to Alaska at such a young age while you have the energy and time to enjoy it. I'm glad we're taking this class, and hope we can all learn from one another, since we all have very diverse backgrounds.


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